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Cloud Craftsmanship

The application of obtained skills, knowledge and aptitude laced with some tradition, perfectly applies to delivering high quality IT service with cloud technologies.


Trust dive. a CC NC image by Jeff Budgell

Using a cloud technology implies a level of trust in its provider and the abilities of the provider. But, as Ronald Reagan once put it:

Trust, but verify

Verification of trust of a cloud provider is not an easy task. Trust comes with experience, but how to gain trust before you have experience? In that case you can rely on a statement of a reliable party that has either measured or expience the trustworthyness of a party. This is called assurance.



The following list is a list of globally recognized frameworks/standards/reports that can help you in obtaining assurance on a cloud provider.

There are many more local, regional and industry frameworks, standards, reports, laws and regulations. Listing them all would go way beyond the scope of this article.

Provider reports

Many cloud providers have created dedicated websites that will list the various standards etc they comply with. Below is a (non exclusive/incomplete) list:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.